Within just one decade social media has evolved hugely as it impacts our daily habits in more ways than one. Virtually our daily life was taken over by appealing networking sites. Our ways to interact and communicate changed greatly due to the major network sites. As next step the networking idea is brought even to more granular aspects, beyond the mainstream big portals and networks. This brings a huge potential of benefit and assistance in highly important stages in the users life.
Company Name: ASPETOS
Legal form: GmbH
Foundation Date: 2007
Stock Capital: 50.000€
Aspetos brings social media elements to very important situations for its users – the loss of beloved ones; sharing and assisting in these hard and difficult times of grief. With innovative technologies a real social media core idea comes at reach – sharing and communicating, finding help and contacting people who feel alike. In Aspetos we see a social network with high potential to grow by helping and assisting people in very difficult times.
The Aspetos portal enables all market compliant functionalities of modern Social Media – merging content and communication for all matters of assisting persons having lost a loved one person. The shared content and communication is including technical and logical interfaces to funeral homes, newspapers and assisting services to assist people during their grief phase. The unique combination of real life elements as QR codes for tumbstones, newspaper announcements and virtual services includes all state of the art digital processing technologies.
Färbergasse 15 - Bürohaus Rot
A-6850 Dornbirn
Geschäftsführerin Patrizia Jochum
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Dornbirn, Vorarlberg
Landesgericht Feldkirch
FN: 292720x
UID: ATU63417289
Tel.: +43 (0) 720 27 06 06, Fax.: +43 (0) 720 27 06 06 06